jueves, 28 de mayo de 2015

The universe in which we live is a simulation on a supercomputer?

Although it seems science fiction, a group of physicists at the University of Washington has now succeeded in designing a test to prove if indeed we live in simulated on a computer universe.

The idea that humanity could be living inside an artificial universe came in an article by Nick Bostrom, a professor of Philosophy at the University of Oxford. The work was published in 2003 in the journal Philosophical Quarterly and since then has not left anyone indifferent.

A group of physicists from the University of Washington are developing a test that could take place in the near future and could help to resolve the question of whether or not actually live inside a computer simulation. 

To do Professor Martin Savage considers it necessary to model only a small part of our world, ie also create a sufficiently large simulation.

Starting from the basic laws of physics that govern the universe have been able to simulate relative success tiny portions thereof on a scale of a billionth of a meter, slightly higher than an atomic nucleus.

"If you get a simulation big enough it would emerge much like our universe," Savage says. Therefore, according to the scientist, it's just a matter of looking at the universe we live in an analog "signature" that they are using in our small-scale simulations.

Something also to Savage and his colleagues, is perfectly feasible. In fact, they suggest that the "signature" that would prove that ours is an artificial universe could appear as a limitation on the power of cosmic rays (the radiation reaching us from distant stars and galaxies).

According to the idea of ​​Savage, the highest-energy cosmic rays could not travel on the edges of the artificial grid that simulates space-time in a hypothetical computer model, but should travel diagonally, so that their interactions would not be equal in all directions, as expected. If it can be shown that such "unnatural" limitation exists, there would be no question that we live within a simulation.

source(in spanish):http://actualidad.rt.com/

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